Frequently Asked Questions

Things you should know before coming to psychotherapy for the first time.  

How long will it take until I feel better?

It is different for everyone.  Most people feel some relief just by starting therapy.  Therapy can last for months or years.  Therapy is not an easy process.  Variables include the type of issues(depression, anxiety, etc.) and the clients willingness to do the hard work.

What’s wrong with me?

  • Sometimes we develop ways of coping which may have helped us in the past, but they no longer work.

  • Often our experiences early in life traumatize us and effect the way in which we view ourselves and others.

  • It can also be a chemical imbalance and medication may be helpful/needed.

Why can’t I just get over it?

When things are painful for us we need to process the feelings and experiences.  If this is not done then it is not possible to move forward in a healthy manor.  When we don’t deal with feelings or repress them, they don’t ‘just go away’ but come out in other ways.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

No you are not alone.  It may feel like that at times but there are many people out there with similar feelings, thoughts and fears.  

I know someone who needs help…what do I do?

You can suggest therapy to them.  Therapy is voluntary and only works when a person chooses to get help.  There are many types of out patient mental health treatment.  Ask someone you trust.  You can also call 1 888 NYCWELL for suggestions or referrals.  They operate 24 hours a day so you can always reach a ‘person’.  

What makes therapy work?

* Warmth * Trust * Understanding * Not Feeling Judged * Corrective Experiences * Guidance * Caring * Empathy * Feeling Safe * Honesty *  

The relationship between the client and the therapist is a very unique one.  I believe that the therapeutic process is a collaborative one in which the client and the therapist both take active roles.  

I had a really bad experience with therapy in the past.  Why should I try again?

Therapy works with the right therapist; unfortunately many people have had bad experiences that often make it difficult for them to try again.  Not all therapists are the same.  It is not a ‘one size fits all’ process.  You need to find the one that’s right for you.